Embark on a journey of excellence with NKH Building Services Pte Ltd, where our unwavering commitment to quality, innovation, and customer satisfaction takes center stage. As your trusted partner, we specialize in a comprehensive range of services, from expert pump system design, installation, and maintenance to cutting-edge water tank solutions, meticulous cleaning services, and reliable plumbing & sanitary expertise. Our 15-year legacy reflects a dedication to optimal performance and longevity in every project. Choose NKH Building Services Pte Ltd for seamless, top-tier building solutions that redefine reliability and precision.

Pump Systems


We are expertise in designing pumps for both Plumbing (booster, transfer & NEWater transfer systems) and Sanitary (submersible & ejector systems) in commercial, industrial and residential buildings. We will calculate flow rate and head of the pump to meet the client’s requirement with improved energy efficient and better performance.


  • Installation or replacement of pump systems consist of,
  • Water Pumps
  • Control panel
  • Pressure vessel
  • Ejector Tank
  • Mechanical & Electrical works


Providing a complete “water in, waste out” solution.

  • Conduct thorough inspections to identify any potential issues, ensuring pumps are operating correctly and efficiently. We then report findings and make recommendations
  • Do proper cleaning of pump and panel components to maintain optimal performance and prevent premature wear and tear.
  • Perform comprehensive performance testing to assess the efficiency and effectiveness of your pumps, making any necessary adjustments or repairs.

Servicing at Workshop

During maintenance or site checking, if your pump experiences any issues or malfunctions, we will dismantle and bring to our workshop to carry out below works

  • Repair

Professional pump repair services, including the replacement of damaged or worn-out components such as seals, bearings, and impellers.

  • Overhauling

Detailed inspection, disassembly, and repair or replacement of components as necessary and examine all aspects of the pump system, including cleaning, re-machining, or reconditioning parts, to restore your pump

  • Alignment

Check for proper alignment of the pump’s shaft and motor for efficient operation and to prevent premature wear and tear and ensure precise alignment, minimizing vibrations, reducing stress, and enhancing the overall performance the pump.

Predictive System Monitoring (PSM)

  • A prewarning system that is designed to inform about the health of a pump system.
  • Alerts as soon as immediately when a pump begins to behave abnormally.

Water Tank


The main purpose of FRP / GRP water tank is to store potable water (drinking water) / non-potable water for the following purposes

  • Potable purpose: Drinking water storage tanks for residential, industrial, commercial, condominium, shopping complex buildings (Transfer or roof top tank)
  • The FRP / GRP tanks supplied by NKH Building Services Pte Ltd are as in compliance with PUB requirement (as per SS245: 2014).

Tank installation features

Some features to be noted while installation of new FRP / GRP tanks in Singapore

  • Plinth center to center distance
    • 1m center-to-center is standard
    • If 2m center to center then need I-beam as skid base
  • of air vents – Normally each compartment comes with one air vent and sometimes consultant will ask more than one air vent for each compartment
  • Potable water tanks height in Singapore is restricted to maximum 4m and for non-potable water tanks there is no such restriction
  • Any tank with height ≥3m shall have the following features
  • Perimeter guard rail on top of the tank roof panels and Safety cage for the external tank ladder
  • Our newly installed FRP / GRP water tanks comes with one year workmanship warranty from the date of installation


Our newly installed FRP / GRP water tanks come with 10 years manufacturer warranty from the date of installation

Plumbing & Sanitary

Leak Detection Service

We provide fast & immediate plumbers to repair & fix your pipe leaking problems. Our services include problem diagnosis, inspection of leak, repair and replacement of parts of your pipe that is causing the problem.

Water Piping Repair & Installation

Water pipe repair and installation require experienced professionals who understand the complex nature of the water supply system and can provide efficient and lasting solutions. At here, it is our responsibility to ensure the safety, reliability, and effectiveness of the water supply system in homes and businesses.

Future Developments

Facility Management Services


Facility Management is a profession that encompasses multiple disciplines to ensure functionality of the built environment by integrating people, place, process and technology.


In 2018, a Global Job Task Analysis (GJTA} defined 11core competencies:

Facility Management

  • Communication
  • Risk Management
  • Sustainability
  • Finance and Business
  • Occupancy and Human Factors
  • Leadership and Strategy
  • Operations and Maintenance
  • Project Management
  • Performance and Quality
  • Real Estate
  • Information and Technology
  • Management

Water Recycling System

Laundry rinse water recycling system

A considerable amount of wastewater is generated from laundry activities daily, which is a potential source for recycling and a valuable opportunity for cost saving for laundry operators. In partnership with NKH Building Services Pte Ltd, researchers at EWTCOI have developed an innovative system to treat and reuse laundry rinse wastewater.

Key features and benefits

  • Effective and efficient laundry rinse water treatment
  • Convenience of onsite recycling of wastewater
  • Compact design with high treated water quality meeting laundry industry guidelines and PUB water quality
  • Cost savings in water usage
  • Significantly lower cost than treating bulk laundry wastewater mixture
  • Environmentally sustainable Figure 1: Laundry rinse water


  • Laundry rinse water
  • Lightly polluted greywater

Table 1: Water quality of treated laundry rinse water compared with industry guidelines and PUB potable water

Treated laundry rinse water result Guideline for reuse in laundry washing PUB Potable Water
6.8 – 7.6
6.0 – 9.0
7 – 9
Turbidity (NTU)
0.3 – 2.2
Color (Hazen)
1 – 3
Residual Chlorine (mg/L)
Total bacterial count (CFU/ml)